A Close Call

"You're so brave". I've heard this many times in the past few months, when people hear my story. I was diagnosed with LCIS following a lumpectomy for ADH and ALH, both atypical cells. I have a strong family history of breast cancer and my mom was diagnosed at age 42 and is a 30+ year survivor. I've had a few scares this past year during my close monitoring and was hesitant to take tamoxifen. After many discussions with my surgeons and family, I opted for a preventative double mastectomy. I am currently in the reconstruction phase. It has not been easy for me, but I am happy with my decision.

At my first post-op appointment my Doctor told me that they found cancer in one breast. Had I not done the surgery when I had, in 6 months I would have needed cancer treatment.

I am not so brave, I am a mom to two beautiful young children. I would do anything to stay alive and healthy for them. If it meant reducing my risk of breast cancer with mastectomies, so be it. My decision may be a radical one to some. It was the right decision for me. The fear related to the high likelihood of me getting breast cancer was my motivation and my "bravery" may have saved my life from a cancer I didn't even know I had.

New York, NY