A Celebration of my last Chemo!

In December of last year, at the age of 45, I was diagnosed with Invasive High-Grade Ductal Carcinoma. Now I have lots of plans for the future - to grow old with my husband, to watch my daughter graduate and walk down the aisle, to hold my grandchildren and oh so many more! Losing a battle to cancer is certainly NOT on my bucket list!

The cancer was small so surgery came first. The cancer was removed with clear margins and It turned out to be Stage 1. I thought I might get out of chemo but since it was so aggressive, I was told I would still need it. Since then, I have had 5 rounds and this Thursday is my last. This story is really about the following poem - a poem I wrote to celebrate my last big chemo. I hope that some of you can relate and I hope that it brings a chuckle or two. :)


Goodbye to you, Chemo, my very close friend.
It is time our relationship come to an end.

I hear you’ve done good, and I’m certain it’s true.
Or my wonderful doctor wouldn’t have sent me to you.

However, the fact is, you are not very nice,
As close friends go, I would NOT pick you twice!

You have left my brain frazzled… fuzzy… unclear.
My eyes now see double and YOU TOOK ALL MY HAIR!!

I have no more muscle tone, I’m in terrible shape.
Since you left me exhausted and plum out of breath.

You have left my nails thin with ridges galore,
And menopause, well, it was only a stranger before!

I’ve had bizarre rashes and my skin is not right,
My face at times glows like a beacon at night.

So yes, it is time – I must bid you farewell,
Thanks much for your help but I can take it from here!!

Tracy Baldwin
Collinsville, OK