A Bit More Than Anticipated

I have a strong family history of cancer and my mother had breast cancer at age 53, so it didn't surprise me when I was also diagnosed with right breast cancer at age 53 (October 2008). No lump-- just microscopic calcifications on my mammogram. It was thought to be non-invasive (DCIS), as it was less than 2% of biopsy tissue. I expected a small surgery followed by localized radiation for 1 week. I told my supervisor I would be back to work in 1&1/2 months.
Surprisingly, the pathology report from the surgery showed that the margins had not been found, and I had a second surgery and sentinel nodes biopsied. The second node showed a pinhead sized focus of cancer, so chemo and longer radiation were added to my regimen. A post-surgical wound infection delayed these by nearly 2 months. Scarred veins, after 2 rounds of chemo, led to placement of a PICC line, which led to a blood clot in my brachial vein, and 4 months of anticoagulant therapy. After chemo, I developed a cellulitis in my left arm from some bug bites. This quickly led to sepsis, with 2 E.R. visits and a week's hospitalization, with change of the PICC line location to my neck and I.V. Vancomycin. The I.V. antibiotic continued for 1 week post-hospitalization at home. My oncologist said if I could remain well with no complications for 1 week, then I could start radiation! After 7 weeks radiation, with time to recover from burns, and 8 months total time off, I am finally ready to go back to work (as an RN) !
A sense of humor helps! I thank God (literally) for getting me through (there were a few terrifying moments, even for me!) and my family and friends for all their support!

Oakhurst, CA