a battle that will not be beat

I want to Start by saying thank you for reading this.

So it all started about 2-3 years ago when my aunt found out she had breast cancer. So she had both breast removed and did all the treatments thinking it was going to help, and it did but that did not last about 6 months ago or so she found out it was back and was really bad, it was now in her lungs. She is doing everything that the dr.'s tell her but it just keeps spreading and today we found out it has traveled to her brain. We were told soon she will be in a wheel chair and will not be able to talk to us any more (because of were it is located on the brain) and this is going to be very hard for the hole family. I do not know how to handle this news i just wish that there was someone out there that could help me to understand. I love my aunt and do not now how much longer untill the battle is over and loosing her is something i do not think that i could handle at all. And watching my dad go through loosing another sibling is more then i know i can handle. She is a very strong willed women but i do not know how much more her body can take please help me if you can.

Thank you again for reading my story

fullerton, CA