39 yrs old

I found my lump in my sleep 2/10/2010, yes in my sleep. I believe my guardians angels woke me up, rubbing it, b/c I had to find this thing before it would be too late. The next morning happen to be a snowday, which really wasn't necessary, school was closed so I was off of work. SO I called my family doc, with in an hour I was in with her, with in 2 hours I was having my first mammo and sonno. Long story short, I was having a double masect 3 weeks later 3/4/2010, at the age of 39. It was ductal carcinoma, stage 2, her2 neu pos, in 2 lympnods. I am curently going through chemo, lost my long curly hair (which I am more upset about then losing my boobs). My surgeon sayd it's curable, not just treatable. I believe God put all of these wonderful surgeons and docs in my life to save me. I also believe that the wonderful people in my life are a part of my life for a reason. They are my strength when I need them, bring me up when I am scared. My 2 WONDERFUL BOYS ARE MY LIFE! I AM A FIGHTER AND WILL NOT LET THIS HORRIBLE BEAST GET ME! The power of prayer gets me through it, my WONDERFUL SUPPORTIVE FAMILY gets me through this, my friends get me through this.
I also have to say a year almost to the month I was diagnosed, one of my good friends was just ending her treatment from breast cancer, after also having a double masect. Seeing her go through this w/ her unbelievable faith and strength, gets me through my ordeal. We can all be there for one another.

Colleen Mullen
Holtsville, NY