30 Seconds and One word…My life changed forever

I'm 32 years old, I never thought that cancer was even a possibility. Just a few weeks ago, I found a large lump in my right breast. I went to see my family doctor the next day. He had me in for a mammogram only a couple days later. The radiologist came out and asked me to come for an ultrasound right away. When we were done the ultrasound she excused herself for a few minutes and when she came back, she had schedule me for an immediate biopsy. I got through everything that morning and spent the remainder of the day in a bit of a haze. Two days later, my doctor told me I had cancer. He said the word and it was like the world went silent, I am grateful my boyfriend was with me. Three days after that, I saw the surgeon and we decided on my treatment. On August 29, 2014 I will be having a full mastectomy of my right breast followed by chemo. I am scared.

One thing I know for sure in this whole cancer business is that I have no option but to kick butt. I have an 8 year old daughter that I plan on watching graduate from high school, get married and have children of her own.

I am grateful that I have so many supportive people that have been by my side the last few weeks and that are fighting with me. One person in particular is my best friend and boyfriend of 6.5 years. When this is all said and done and we can say we kicked cancers butt, I plan on marrying this man.

My journey is only beginning and I don't know what the road ahead looks like, but last night I decided I wanted to document it through photos. I've attached a picture that was taken last night as part of my before mastectomy photos.

Cancer doesn't care how old you are, who you are or what you do. Get your girls checked and do your self examines because the alternative sucks!

Morgan Tripke
Red Deer, Canada