24 years of fighting BREAST CANCER, it didn't win we did!

Twenty four years ago, when I was 14 yrs old my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. As I struggled to watch her fight for her life, with chemo, a mastectomyand losing her hair.I struggled to live a normal life as a teenager. As a grown adult I watched my mothers cancer return in her in her bones 13 years later. Another 5 years later it reoccured in her lungs and then two years ago in her liver. My Mom surrendered to this battle on March 2,2010. Yet, the cancer didn't win! She did!!! She showed cancer how to live...she showed cancer how to gain strength....she showed cancer that you can still live your life filled with happiness. You can give to others what cancer tried to take away. She gave me strength, hope and courage. On May 8,2010, I will walk in the SLC Komen - Find A Cure for Breast Cancer walk. I will have my mothers spirit with me...I will walk with courage and help to find a cure. Thank you Mom for teaching me how to live life to the fullest. I love you and may you rest in peace!

Life is not measured by the amounts of breaths you take....but by how many moments take your breath away!!!!

Roy, UT