14 Years

My name is Lorie Willis I am 47 years old and I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 32. I never thought about getting a mammogram because i was so young. One day me and one of my sons were riding in the car and i felt a lump under my right arm and I knew it didn't feel right, so I made a appointment to see the Doctor we scheduled the mammogram and that's when he noticed the lump in my right breast, we did the biopsy and low and behold it was cancerous, I opted for the mastectomy because i didn't want to take the chance of it coming back this was July 0f 1999, In august of 2002 I developed a lump in the left breast which resulted in another mastectomy, found out the type of cancer I had was genetic, so my sister has had a double mastectomy as well she did reconstruction, I chose not to. I didn't have no radiation nor chemo and hear I am today 14 years later cancer free, a lot of women i have met said they wouldn't have handled the situation as good as i did, but like i tell them you are only as sick as you claim to be.

Lorie Willis
Madison, IL