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My Journey

My Journey

This was my summer of control, running every day, losing 20 pounds, meeting my 45th birthday with pride. My general checkup showed amazing blood work and kudos for the weight loss. Then I went for my mammogram. Having dense breasts, a return visit was a familiar experience. Then I was asked to wait for the radiologist. What?? It was likely a radial scar, but it would not hurt to check in with a breast care specialist.
So, my nurse navigator chose one within the amazing group, and the consult was set up. After an ultrasound, biopsy, genetic testing (which came up negative), and several sleepless nights, it was discovered that I had Stage 1 IDC. Very small, very early.....Next was the plastic surgeon consult - I opted for a double mastectomy. The cancer was only on the left side, but I was not taking any chances. Fast forward, I had my double on January 5. My lymph nodes were clear and there was such a small amount of cancer, all found and removed during the surgery. No chemo, no radiation, and about to begin Tamoxifen. Recovery has been tough - expanders are crazy and strange! Reconstruction will be soon, and I am ready to get back to work in between. I have been fortunate to have an amazing team of doctors and nurses around me who have answered every question and led me through this journey. Most of all, my family and friends really showed me what love and friendship are all about. I am finally feeling like I am recovering - relieved to not have to go through chemo or radiation - sending strength, prayers and positive thoughts to those who do. We are stronger than we think we are. Don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it is for yourself or for your loved ones. Get your kids the help they need in order to navigate through the uncertainty of it all, no matter how much they protest! Allow yourself to to your significant other....listen to what they have to say as well!

Jacqui Gross
Fanwood, NJ

five years free then bang

five years free then bang

Hi I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in Febuary 2010, After trying to breast feed my daughter I noticed my nipple had retracted. Doctors had told me it was just blocked milk ducts so i left it but overtime it started to worry me so I got them to check it out deeper. I had an ultrasound and mamogram but nothing showed up but they did a biopsy to be sure. The results come back positive stage 3 breast cancer with lympth nodes involved. I had a lumpectomy and a node clearance, then followed up with chemotherapy and radiation.
I was disease free 2 years after treatment. In July 2015 i developed pneumonia for the first time and got it 4 times within 6 months. Then they decided to do a ct scan where they found tumors on both my lungs. I now have stage IV cancer with no cure. I have had chemo and radiation again and will continue to fight this with all I have. I just am going to think positive and live everyday to its fullest.

tracey everingham
Ingleburn, Australia

Tiki the Wonder Cat

Tiki the Wonder Cat

In 1999, we rescued two feral kittens, Tiki and her sister, Garfi.

In 2013, I was reading a book and Tiki was sleeping on my lap. She woke up, and started to knead my left breast (which she had never done before). She was very gentle, and it didn't hurt, so I let her continue. This went on for about 15 minutes, and Tiki had this very intense look on her face.

Suddenly, I felt this sharp pain deep inside my breast. I scooted Tiki off, and looked inside my blouse. There wasn't any sign of scratches on the skin. I went back to reading my book, but as time passed, my breast began to ache, with occasional twinges of pain.

When I went to change clothes to go to bed, there was blood on the inside of my bra cup. As I moved my breast, a red viscous fluid was discharged from the nipple.

I saw my doctor the next day. I went immediately for a diagnostic mammogram. Then had a biopsy. I was diagnosed with DCIS - cancer of the milk duct. I was stage 0, so I had two lumpectomies. The tumor was very large, and on the chest wall. I eventually had a mastectomy.

Because the DCIS was at stage 0, I did NOT have to have chemotherapy; and because I had a mastectomy, I did NOT have to have chemotherapy.

My doctor's theory is that the fluid sac around the tumor had started to leak, and Tiki may have smelled that. Her breast massage caused the fluid sac to rupture, which caused the pain, and the fluid was discharged.

So ... my cancer was first diagnosed by a CAT scan!

I thanked Tiki by cooking her a baked chicken weekly to supplement her cat food. She lived until October 1, 2015, when she passed away from stomach cancer. I miss her very much.

Morjana Coffman
Sacramento, CA

My journey

My story began after I had a normal mammogram in May of 2014. I have been getting my yearly mammograms since I was 30 due to my family history. After having my mammogram I then felt a lump in the top of my right breast. I advised my gynecologist at my appointment about my concern. He stated he didn't feel anything abnormal and because I have highly dense breast tissue that is what he thought it was but he referred my to the breast center because of expertise. I had my appointment with them in Oct.of 2014 and they looked over my mammogram and did their breast exam and told me the same thing. I was given a 6 month followup appointment. When I went back in late March of 2015 they asked about the lump and I told them that was the same lump that was there in October. Right away they ordered me to have an MRI that showed a mass. Then it was time for the biopsy. It came back as was 4.8 cm and very close to my chest wall, it was classified as Triple Negative. I was then given 16 rounds of chemo. The first 4 was the red devil two weeks. Then 12 weekly doses of the chemo Taxol. My last chemo was Sept.11, 2015. My surgery for a mastectomy was Oct.22, 2015. I had 8 physical therapy sessions due to some chest muscle had to be cut away. Then my radiation started Dec.8, 2015 everyday for 28 days then 5 days of boost radiation. I'm still healing from the burns. I'm waiting word now about a clinical trial for triple negative breast cancer. I am determined to beat this damn disease. I have a lot of support from family, friends, even strangers. My words of wisdom is always take charge of your health, we know our bodies better than any doctor. I believed I was ok because I had a normal mammogram and two very good doctors assured me it was just dense tissue.

julie taylor
williamsport, MD

Cancer free

Cancer free

I'm 49 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer on June 1, 2015 at the age of 48. I had 4 rounds of chemo and a bilateral mastectomy on June 14, 2015.
Today I had my first three month follow up and so far I'm cancer free I will be taking Tamoxifin for the next five years. Today I also got to ring the bell signifying the end of chemo! So exciting! Looking forward to the next three months of being cancer free!

Santa Rosa, CA

Maine state troopers help fight the breast cancer foundation

Maine state troopers help fight the breast cancer foundation

Last year each Trooper from the Maine State Police ran these plates on their cruisers for breast cancer awareness month. At the end of the month the Troopers were able to keep one plate and the second was auctioned off. The proceeds were then donated to help fight the cause which around $40,000

This year Dane and I were honored to donate our plates to our dear friend Michelle Fortin, who kicked cancers ass!

I was diagnosed September 11, 2015 with Lobular carcinoma Cancer. On October 15,2015 I underwent a Bi Lateral mastectomy in Boston, Massachusetts. I never looked backed. From there I went back to work, coaching and spending value time with family and friends. It is such a privilege to be given this plague representing such a great cause. Though the battle may not be over, it's in my rear view mirror thanks to all my family, friends, and support I have received.

Thank you to our Maine state troopers for your support and generosity!

Sincerely and with Love


Michelle Fortin
Winthrop, ME

Life Changing Moment

I was diagnosed with St II ductal carcinoma on July 27, 2015(My Life Changing Moment). It was like someone pulled the rug from underneath me!!! This could'nt be happening, I go to the doctor regularly, I self-check regularly!!!!!! I'm a nurse for God sake...I would know if i had cancer!!. Well after 2 unsuccessful lumpectomies, I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on October15, 2015. I can say that this has been one of the most horrific experiences of my life, but my family and friends have actually managed to turn it into one of the best experiences if you can believe that!!! Everyone has rallied around me, and never let me feel alone!!!!My friends stepped in and took care of my family when I couldn't, and pushed me when I got tired! My husband NEVER left my side! This has brought me closer to family and some friends..To every woman who is diagnosed with this ugly monster, just know that you can beat this!, but you HAVE to fight...fight like a girl!!! I am back at work now, taking my Tamoxifen(5yrs), and loving life!

Duncanville, TX

My Cancer Battle in 2015

My Cancer Battle in 2015

I had the battle of my life in 2015. I discovered a lump in my left breast on January 30, 2015. I had my 1st mammogram ever on February 9th, a biopsy on the 12th and was diagnosed with Stage 2 DCIS breast cancer on the 17th. Not the news I was expecting but I prepared myself physically and mentally to begin treatment. I was very focused, I kept my faith and I never gave up hope even when I didn't feel good. I began my 1st round of 6 chemotherapy treatments on March 10th. I responded very well to treatment and after only 2 chemotherapies, the lump was gone. I continued through with the next 4 chemotherapy and ended that chapter of my life on June 23, 2015. On July 21, 2015, I had a partial lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed. The biopsy revealed NO more cancer. I began 33 rounds of radiation on August 18, 2015 and finished with my last radiation on October 2, 2015. This is the day I celebrated the end of my treatment and the beginning of my life CANCER FREE. My year was filled with needles, pain and fear but it was also full of love, compassion, hope and faith. I hope that anyone that is fighting any type of cancer believes that there is hope. It is one of the most powerful therapies for cancer.

April Williams
Ocala, FL

When my life changed

When my life changed

My name is Karla and I was 43 years old when my life changed forever.
I found a small lump in my right breast around the nipple area. I had be plagued with benign cysts all my life and in the past all the cysts had hurt to the touch. This didn't. I am a nurse and had heard all my career that cancer typically didn't hurt. Not to say that it can't but I new I needed to see a doctor. Went and was scheduled for biopsy. The biopsy turned out to be cancerous. The surgeon advised me to go to the cancer center to discuss the BRCA testing. Mine was positive. I was scared to death. We decided that a double mastectomy was the way to go. Surgery was scheduled within a day or so. That was a hard decision to make because I felt like I was loosing something that God had given me. When the breast tissue was sent to pathology there were 2 different types of cancer found one in the right and the other in the left. The Lord definitely had his hand in my decision as he does in everything after numerous surgeries with reconstruction and serious check ups I am now cancer free! I firmly believe that early detection is the key. It's better to be pro-active than re-active! I urge people that are going through this nasty dease now to NEVER GIVE UP!! Turn to our Lord to see you through. I know without him and the support of my family and friends I would not be here today. May God Bless!

Karla MmcDonald
East Bend, NC

Self checks make a difference!

Self checks make a difference!

I turned 40 in July and have been self breast checking for years. Until August when I found a lump in my left breast. I called my obgyn and immediately scheduled a mammogram. It confirmed a strong possibility of cancer. Shortly after, I had a biopsy which definitively proved cancer. A lumpectomy and node removal followed. 7 nodes were removed and we were given the great news that it luckily didn't spread to the nodes but it did come back Invasive ductal carcinoma - triple negative. Four rounds of Adriamycin & Cytoxan and four rounds of Taxol later I'm at my last chemo! After this 30 rounds of radiation await me but being over the chemo hurdle is a huge step. I have been blessed with amazing family and friends that have helped our family tremendously. My 5 & 8 year old never missed a beat thanks to their help! My advice to women... start breast checks as soon as you start to develop. The doctor said I was lucky to have found it before it spread. I hope the same for all women!

Megan Hughes
Clarks Summit, PA