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A Caring Woman

My story is about my mother in law. She was the most loving woman I have ever met. She always had a smile, she would have done anything for anybody. She was a loving mother of two children, a boy and girl and also a wonderful grand-mother of three grand children. One day about six years ago, she was not feeling well. She was the one that was taking care of our twin daughters for us. I asked her if it was the flu, she said she thought so, and that she would go see the doctor after supper. When I got back home she didn't look so good. She went to the clinic and they said that she had bordeau, from stress. So we gave her the rest of the week off. The next week she said she was feeling better but just looking at her I knew she wasn't. The next day we had a call that the ambulance came and took her to the hospital, she was weak and vomiting. She spent two days at the hospital they told her it wasn't bordeau she had, it was breast cancer. Also she had two tumors in her head. The news was devastating but she said, "Don't worry about me, I will beat this." About two months after she died. I miss her so much. My twin girls still ask for her, it breaks me and my wife's hearts. Please keep up the good work of searching for a cure and don't give up hope.

Grande-Digue, Canada

Breast cancer-not in the Breast?

In Oct.2008, I had a mammogram which came out great. In Feb. 2009, my right breast started burning. Finally a local doctor told me to take aspirins. Driving in the car that day, something told me to check under my arm. I found a lump. I had never self-checked. My diagnosis was stage 3 aggressive breast cancer even though my breast was clear. I am now on my 3rd chemo treatment with operation to follow and radiation. A week ago an ultrasound could not find the place showing the treatment
was working.
We can raise money for cancer and run all day, but until people can get the word out for the importance of checking under the arm, many will die. I was lucky. Practically every woman I speak to does not self-check. This is rarer than finding cancer on the breast but it does happen, and we must speak out and warn women with our personal experiences. Mammograms are apparently not as useful in finding breast cancer out of the breast. Doctors do not know how I found the place. Maybe I found it so that I could help spread the word. As soon as I was diagnosed, the burning left at once.

Dianne Hollingsworth
Cartersville, GA

I Survived

In 2006 my best friend was diagnosed with stage 1 malignant breast cancer.
She had a double mastectomy, just to be safe. After her diagnosis, I had a mammogram and sonogram myself. I was diagnosed with late stage 3 malignant breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and they removed 21 lymph nodes. I wanted a mastectomy, but my surgeon told me that, in my case,
it was not necessary. I worried about this, but accepted his opinion. I had wonderful doctors, who kept telling me that this could be conquered. I doubted it, but I did my best in following their advice. Well, its been 2 1/2 years since my diagnosis. I am still cancer free. I love each second of each day. I still have monthly doctor visits as well as cts, mris, etc. I will be ever vigilant. But I am alive! I am here! To all those ladies who are just getting their diagnosis, or who are just beginning this journey, I just want to say: its long, its hard, but it will not only save your life, but change your life. And, no matter how bad it looks, miracles are happening each and every day. Fight, and fight hard. Its not over til its over! Surround yourself with family and friends, with love, hope and prayers, and live! When hope is all that you have, you have everything.
God Bless,
Peggy Kelley

Peggy Kelley
Odessa, TX

Thanks To God, My Wonderful Family & Friends

Good Morning,
I was diagnosed five years ago with ductal breast cancer. I had cancer
three years pryor to that which was thyroid cancer and was caught
early, had my thyroid removed and radiation. When I got the call about
the breast cancer I thought oh, no it's spread. But I soon learned that
it had not spread, it was completely two different types of cancer. I
just got hit twice as the doctor's said. So I had my first lumpectomy
and received a call from the doctor we didn't get the clear circle so we
have to do this again. Three lumpectomies later they were going to
do a 4th and I said, No. I want the breast removed.The doctor's asked
why I opted for the mastectomy? I told them because I want to live to see
my Grandchildren grow up. I'd rather be without a breast than the
alternative. I had the mastectomy did very well and I Thank God every
day that I am still here. But without my Faith and my Family & Friends
it would have been much much harder. I just passed my 9 year mark
with thyroid cancer and 5 last fall for the breast cancer. :):) I lost my
Mother during my ordeal which made it even harder for me. But she
would have wanted me to be strong. I miss her every day.
Two of my Friends and I started giving Fundraisers for Cancer and raised
alot of money to help others. We will continue to do this.
I just turned 66 and am Loving Life to the fullest.
Make sure you get your Mammogram every year.
Write me if you need a shoulder, I am here for you.
Love & God Bless, Joyce Peterson :)

Joyce Peterson
Madison Hts., MI

Regular Mammograms are SO Important!

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002, and had a mastectomy and several weeks of chemo. I had regular mammograms prior to that, but after her experience, had them yearly. I've had a couple of biopsies that turned out to be nothing, but last fall, I was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). After an MRI to see if there were more areas of involvement (and there were, some of which were microinvasive), I decided on bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. I am 53 years old, and although the recovery process has not been a breeze, I have been extremely lucky and blessed to have loving family and friends beside me for support. The cancer was caught very early and had not spread to the sentinel nodes, so no chemo or radiation was necessary. Mammograms are not the horrible experiences they once were (and I've been having them for over 30 years, so I know!) so don't let anybody's horror stories stop you from regular screening. Had I not gone for my regular mammogram, what was for the most part non-invasive cancer could have been a different case entirely. Early detection and aggressive treatment is key. They are only boobs, and they can be replaced, but a life is much more important and irreplaceable--get those mammogams early and as often as recommended for your medical and family history. I am one of the lucky ones--and blessed beyond measure! :)

Karen F. Ellis
Frankfort, KY

I did it my way

Like most of us it was when I took a bath and was drying off that I happened to look in the huge mirror over our sinks and noticed a small proturshion on the right breast, It looked like something small as a pea had been inserted in it.
I decided to make an appt. and also decided which hospital I would go to, I called the hospital first to ask which women doctors operated there.
She did the biopsy and gave me the results,advised me to go home and make an appt.later, if I wanted to, I said,no I won't come back if I do that. I asked to be put into the hospital right away.
The right breast was removed. I asked for an implant but was advised to wait to see what treatment would be given. I took Chemo. from the doctor that prescribed the combination. I notice warts growing on one hand on the thumb and finger, and along the way at about nine months my feet were beginning to swell. and I was gaining weight fast. I mentioned this to the doctor,and was not satisfied by the way he handled my questions on this. So I told my husband thats it! I won't go back for more of the chemo. I was told I needed to do it one year!
During my recovery I had the usual visit from supporters,but the one they sent to me only depressed me! So I didn't want anyone to come. I took myself to the mall many times and walked and walked until I was used to the "new breast" as it felt like a ton! I walked a lot with friends and strangers.
I have been free of cancer for 25 years now.

Joan Hintzke
Vancouver, WA

I am a survivor!

I am a survivor of stage 2 breast cancer and I have so many people to thank for their support, prayers and for hanging in there when I had a bad day. At age 45 in May 2007 I found a lump while going through a knee replacement rehab, I felt something on my left breast. I called my doctor and was seen a couple weeks later. The core biopsy pathology came back as "atypical ductal hyplasia" and I was encouraged to follow up with a surgeon. I went into surgery to have a biopsy and it turned into a lumpectomy in July 2007, I was diagnosed at that time with stage II aggressive invasive cancer with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS). I had sentinel node surgery in August 2007 and had not spread to my lymph nodes! I started chemo in September 2007 and had 8 sessions that was the most difficult thing I have ever been through. My parents were there for me at each session and stayed with me to be sure I was able to rest so I could work. I started 6 weeks of Radiation in January 2008 and that went pretty well. I suffered sunburn type side effects.
I am getting stronger now and more active and feel great. I have a positive attitude and that has made a difference. I have so many people in my life that prayed for me and their prayers have been answered. I will continue to see my doctors on a regular basis for follow-ups for the rest of my life. If you suspect something is wrong, see your doctor! Get a mammogram and follow up. It is best to know what is happening, it may or may not be cancer and I pray it is not.

Kathy W.
Belchertown, MA

Youll make it through this with the help of god

Youll make it through this with the help of god

My mom is a breast cancer survivor and recently we found out my mom had breast cancer in the other boob she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000 they were able to remove it with out removing her boob this time they have to remove both boobs in three more days the doctor has mentioned that she may have more cancer then what we think.She was examined january 12 2009 and they said she had a hernia and siste that maybe cancers so they still havent given a time period on how long she has to live but its pretty short I know we all will get through this espeacialy her i am the oldest(15) of her 4 kids she has me my sister April (14) my brother Rudy (9) and my little sister Allyssa (7) so were all going through it we have no family no friends so its hard to determine were we will be if something is to happen I am looking to find a support group to help my mom get through this she means the world to me shes all i have besides my brother and sister im hopping something good will come out of this but so far its just pain we dont have much but we get by god has gotten us this far she is to young to die she is only 45 years old same age as my mothers mom when she died of cancer so its a big worry and scare let me cut this short im getting all teary eyed writing this so god bless and take care of your selfs plz pray

adelanto, CA

my sisters and me

I am a ten yr. survivor, my two younger sisters were diagnosed with breast cancer and I took care of them, until it was time to leave me and go on to a better place, I almost did not survivor their loss. Two yrs. later I was diagnosed with stage 3, my husband and 3 survivors have been my support group, we only have this moment and embrace it well, I do the 5 mile walk in Denver every year, and my friends and husband walk with me. Both of my sisters had chemo and drugs, I chose to do nothing other then travel and enjoy everyday that I have. Please feel free to email me. My name is Jo Ann. Bless all of you, and my thoughts are with you every day.

Jo Ann McCumiskey
denver, CO

Not only was the weather Hot, so were the sites...

Not only was the weather Hot, so were the sites...

This picture was taken last summer during the 60 kilometer Weekend to End Breast Cancer walk in Edmonton. This was my 3rd walk and my daughter Leah's 2nd. It was very hot outside but the sites were even hotter as we encountered some very handsome men from Grey's Anatomy who offered to let us take their picture. The Weekend to End Breast Cancer is a 2 day 60 kilometer walk throught the streets of Edmonton. It is amazing and rewarding. This summer "2009" I will walk my 4th walk alongside of my team, "The Radiant Ladies" I look forward to once again raising funds to help find a cure for all women cancers...
Please visit

Peggy S. Brown
(Team Capitain-"Radiant Ladies)

Peggy S. Brown
Edmonton, Canada