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A single mom as a survivor

I was one of the lucky ones; a mammogram found what self-exams couldn't. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation and now am on hormone therapy for 5 years. If I can survive the hot flashes, I'll be just fine.
I'm a single mom of two adopted girls. The hardest thing was reassuring my daughters that they weren't going to lose yet another mother.I have survived and I believe my daughters are stronger for having gone through this with me.
I can't imagine having taken this journey without the unwavering support of a friend who was with me every step of the way. There's no reason to go it alone. Let people help you.

Natick, MA

My Fight for a Diagnosis

I was diagnosed with stage 3 Lobular Breast Cancer in March 2000 after 14 months of trying to get doctors to tell me what the lump was. They kept saying "there is something going on, but we don't know what it is." Unfortunatly, Lobular cancer was not dectectable with a mamogram. The MRI's were not read correctly, nor was the ultrasound. I finally found a great surgeon who knew what it was right away. I had a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation. I am happy to say I have been cancer free since Feb. 2001. I had a wonderful support system with my husband, family, friends and co-workers.
Please, have your mamograms, but if you feel something in your breast, don't stop until the doctor can tell you for sure what it is. You must be your own advocate.

Houston, TX

Thanks to my sister

Thanks to my sister, my breast cancer was caught early. My sister felt a lump for several years but her doctor assured her it was nothing. Turns out it was breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes. Because of her cancer, my doctor told me to start doing mammograms as soon as I stopped breast feeding my youngest. My first mammogram was fine. My second was not. I had a lumpectomy in November 2008 and a second in December 2008 (they didn't get it all the first time). Radiation came in February and March. So get out there and do your mammograms. If not for yourself, then do it for your sister.

Amy Wedow
Englewood, CO


On Jan 13, 2003 , I got the news that I had Stage 3 breast cancer. There was no history of breast cancer in my family. I found out that this didn't make any difference. I had always been the one that helped others. Now I had to accept the help from others. This was especially hard for me, I was an independent person and needed no one's help( at least I thought). I had a lumpectomy, six months of chemotherapy and two months of radiation. I also found out that my cancer was what is categorized as Triple Negative. This breast cancer sometimes does not react to the chemotherapy like the other types. I was very lucky, mine did react to aggressive treatment well. I am now a 6 year survivor. Each new day is a special day. The support and prayers of my family and friends helped me deal with this bump in the road of my life. NEVER GIVE UP !

Indianapolis, IN

The Big C

Are we even remotely close to an answer
To the number one killer disease called cancer?
This dreadful disease is claiming too many lives
It has science working overtime but yet it defies
Medication and radiation are treatments not a cure
When and how to end this disease no one is sure
Giving up is not an option; we must prevail
With everyone's efforts we cannot fail
The time length for cancer cure will be shorter
If every working American would donate a quarter
If you think about it that's a small price to pay
Considering the outcome we shouldn't delay
If we all work together toward a cure for cancer
The quality of our lives would be a little grandeur
Prevention is the best means of protection
Annual mammograms offers early detection
The breast cancer site and others who care
Click daily to save lives of women every where
Lets show this disease that we are the hero
We can turn this big C into a little zero

Katarina Davis

Copyright © Katarina Davis

Katarina Davis
San Bernardino, CA

My Journey with Breast Cancer

I encourage every woman out there to get their yearly mammogram. I have been getting them since I am 40 and this past year on Dec 20th ,2008 I had an abnormal mammogram. After further testing, I was told on Feb 24th 2009 that I had DCIS, which is an early form of Breast Cancer. I did a lot of research and opted for a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction surgery. I am now 45. My sister who is 9 years younger than me, asked her Dr if she could have a baseline mammogram because of my diagnosis, and he said sure why not. Well guess what? She also has DCIS and it was caught on her mammogram as well. Neither of us had any palpable lumps or masses. We were both diagnosed from mammograms. She is opting for the same surgeries that I had. I am so glad that I had my yearly mammogram, because not only did I save my life, I saved my sister's life as well. So ladies, please get your yearly mammogram. It could save your life and the life of someone you love.


Bonnie Mietelski

Be Aware, support the cause!

Bonnie Mietelski
Hamburg, PA

My Miracle Child

My Miracle Child

I was diagnosed at 36 years of age with stage 2 breast cancer in 2006. Two days later I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I knew there was no chance of me terminating the pregnancy, I trusted completely on God. I went forward with my lumpectomy and begin 4 treatment of chemo during my 2nd trimester. In June of 2006, my sister was diagnosed with colon cancer, we both were taking chemo at the same time. In July of 2006, after I finished my first rounds of chemo, my son came 2 months early. He stayed in NICU for 22 days, and while he was there I started chemo again. In October, my sister passed, she lived 5 months after discovering her cancer. In Jan. of 2007 I started my 6 weeks of radiation treatment and took care of my 5 month old son. Since 2006, I have dealt with sickeness, death, and pregnancy, but during this all, I have kept my FAITH strong in the Lord. He is truly the only way that I made it through. Today I am 3 years cancer free, and raising my son who is turning 3, as a single parent. He is my miracle and my joy for everything that I do, I do for him.

Statesboro, GA

Out of the blue

I noticed a very slight dimple, and just knew that something was wrong. The Dr.'s did not see what I saw and could not feel anything unusual. They did not think it was anything to worry about. I scheduled a mammogram, and it showed a suspicious spot. I immediately had an ultrasound, followed by a biopsy. They found two separate tumors, and 4 other suspicous spots. Within two weeks I had a bi-lateral mastectomy. I was only 44 when I found out, and there isn't a single case of breast cancer in my family history. I am so thankful for the availability of mammograms and screening. I am almost one year out from my diagnosis, and doing well.

Columbia, MO

My Breast Cancer Fight

I was diagnosed in January of 2008, yes, I'm a survivor of only 1 year and 5 months. I had a rough life as far as support and money so when I was sent an angel, my boyfriend of 4 years, I was very grateful. I could have never survived without his support. He didn't have alot of money, but he pushed to find ways to make it happen, that's where Susan Koeman foundation came in.

Right now, I am cancer free and walking for the fight with Making Strides against cancer. My daught has completely surprised me with her support. She has gone all out to raise money for this cause.

Support and especially attitude wins this thing!!!!
Sharon Hughes

Sharon Hughes
Lake Worth, FL

Blessed to Be Here

In 2006 at age 47 I was diagnosed with stage 1 lobular breast cancer in the right breast. I opted for lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. In May of 2008 I was diagnosed with DCIS in the left breast. I decided to have a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction. In June of 2009 I developed an infection around the implant on my right side and had to have the implants removed. I am now healing from this last surgery and will be taking Femara for the next 5 years. I have been blessed to have awesome support from family and friends who were alwasy there for me. It has been a long hard road, but as of today, I remain cancer free. Every woman needs to be religious about having mamograms. They save lives !!

Sandy Warren
Morristown, NY