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Early Detection saves lives

I was diagnosed in April of 2007 with DCIS in my right breast. When my surgeon did an exam of my left breast she found a lobular tumor which had invaded 3 lymph nodes. I had bilateral mastectomies, followed by chemo and radiation. The following year I had reconstruction surgery. Breast cancer runs in my family, my Mother was diagnosed in 2006, had a lumpectomy and radiation. Happily we are both healthy and encourage every woman to get annual mammograms. It can save your life.

Vicki Treul
New Berlin, WI

Don't give up!

I started out with a family history of cancer that would scare anyone, but as all young people are, I was 'invincible'. At 20 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I was scared to death! All I could think was that I was going to die and leave my beautiful baby girl an orphan. Then I got mad! This was not going to beat me! At 24, during my third pregnancy, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. They wanted to terminate the pregnancy. NO WAY!!! I came through both of those trials, but not unchanged. At 29 I found a lump in my breast. Not cancer it was a fibro-cystic breast condition, but due to my past history I was given a bilateral mastectomy. The surgeon thought he was doing me a favor by leaving tissue the size of a half dollar under the nipples to prevent inverted nipples. At 35, I started finding lumps again. Guess what? Cancer! No one thinks that they are going to have a mastectomy done twice! But that's exactly what I had to do. This time they would remove every last shred of breast tissue. They also had to remove several involved nodes. I thought ok...yet again I slipped through OK, this is really starting to p*** me off! My surgeon made quite clear that were it not for the regular self exams that revealed the lumps very early on, this was probably the one that would have done me in. My advice? Keep checking yourself and do not miss your annual exams. I have three children and am due to have a second grandchild in October. What are the odds? Well sometimes you beat them all!

St. Charles, MO

Double Whammy Mammy

Eleven years ago, at 42, when I finally got a job with health insurance and my husband bugged me enough, I got a GYN checkup after TEN years! I had cervical cancer that had JUST become invasive and had a hysterectomy with no other treatment except HRT.What luck!
At the same time I got a baseline mammogram. ELEVEN months later another mammo and biopsy showed ductal and lobular carcinoma insitu on the left side. I opted for bilateral mastectomy because I was so afraid it would come back.
It had not become invasive, but the pathology report showed the same thing - salt and peppered (more than 20) on each side! I would have been back and I am sure the third time would not have been the charm for me! Instead, no other treatments.
Now, ten years cancer free, I get a breast MRI and pap every other year, just in case. An ounce of prevention IS worth a pound of cure!

Don't be stupid! Mammograms and paps are free for those who cannot afford it! In this day and age, there is no excuse for not getting a mammogram or pap.
Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and all your men ~ remind each other that we love and need each other to be around! I know my three daughter, three grandaughters, three sisters, and three sisters-in-law will be reminded and don't forget to click here everyday!

No sugar coating here! "Git it done!!!" If not for yourself, do it for your family!

Lora DeSandre
Meriden, CT

20 years

20 years

Twenty years ago today (June 29) I had a mastectomy. I was 34 years old. My son was barely 4 and my daughter wasn't even 2. Surgery, chemo, radiation,lots of prayers and a lot of I am...healthy as ever. Please don't let anyone tell you to skip a self breast exam. PS. I prefer the term Victor as opposed to survivor.

Leslie Curtin
Harwich, MA

Don't skip the mammogram

In 2006 my parents moved to personal care in a nursing home. My brothers and I cleaned out and sold the house to pay for nursing home care. As my mother's dementia worsened, it took a toll on Dad. Mom died in August. Dad, who had broken a hip in a fall, was never the same and died just 6 days after she did. I thought 2006 had just about all it could hold, including my turning 60.
I skipped my annual doctor visit but kept my appointment for the annual mammogram, then got a call to come back for a second mammogram and ultrasound. I had breast cancer, luckily at Stage 1. After a lumpectomy and radiation, and the welcome support of the sisters, family and friends, life became a bit more normal. It's never a good idea to skip a doctor visit, but don't ever skip the mammogram.

Sr. Christa
Villa Hills, KY

Not going to let it get me down FIGHTING

On 03/19/09 my ob/gyn gave me the news that my yearly mammo
came back suspious. He then set me up with a surgeron to biopsy.
On 4/7/09 I was told I had a 2 cm tumor of right breast that was positive
for cancer. 9 days later I had the right modified radical mascectomy.
Tests showed that right now lymph nodes are clear, so I have stage 2
invasive ductual . I am getting ready for my second a/c treatment of
chemo in a couple of days. So far I am doing fine. Injection of Neulasta
caused a little joint pain, Still working every day since 3 weeks after

Family, friends, and God great support Team. Have been a great supporter since of research since late 70's mother died of breast cancer in 1966 when only colbalt and radiation was used. Breast cancer is no loner a death sentence, so ladies please get those mammograms regularly. Spread the word.

Paula Booth
Omar, WV

The people left behind are survivors too

Not only the people who have actually had cancer are cancer survivors. I lost my mother to breast cancer in August of 2005, and 4 months later lost my 'baby', our 10 yr old Maltese to liver cancer. In January of 2009, just 6 weeks after his diagnosis, the day before Thanksgiving, I lost my husband to stomach cancer. I feel like my whole world has gone crazy! Now I have to find the strength to go on by myself, and without our 5 yr old grandson to fill the void keeping me grounded, I don't think I could survive all these losses.

Karen Gonzales
Fallon, NV

So important to do self-exams

In the spring of 1999, I discovered a dimple on my right breast. I had had my mammogram earlier, which indicated calcifications that the doctor wanted to keep an eye on. Each day when I showered I checked to see if there was anything unusual to report to him. When this dimple appeared, I called the doctor immediately. He sent me for a biopsy and it came back positive. I had a lumpectomy the day after my 61st birthday and have been cancer-free for ten years now. I was one of the "lucky" ones because it was caught so early. What a lot of women do not take seriously is that it is very important to report anything unusual to your doctor immediately. If I had waited, who knows what might have been. I thank your organization for keeping women aware. Thank you.

Dorothy B
Sanford, FL

My Niece, My Hero

Exactly eight years ago yesterday (June 26th) my niece was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. She had been to the doctor the previous year because she had found a lump in her breast. He told her it was a cyst and to come back in a year. By then it was spread to her bones, spine and numerous other places. She went through a bone marrow transplant, hundreds of Chemo treatments, PET scans every 6 months and a masectomy. She was poked, prodded, had blood work done over and over again and in short went through hell and back. And she seldom ever complained or had a pity party. She lived ever day to the fullest while the rest of us watched in total amazement at her courage.
Yesterday she passed away. The cancer had reached her liver and nothing more could be done.
If she had been sent for a mammogram on her first visit I believe that she could have been saved.
To all other women - When you find a lump, insist on a mammogram right away or find another doctor who will order one. I cannot stess enough the importance of early detection. So click on the Pink button every day so that any women who needs a mammogram can get one.

Springfield, MO

Story of Hope..

Story of Hope..

In June 2007 I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my right breast,I had a masectomy on that breast and 6 months of chemo, then radiation, A year later a had a masectomy on the right side for preventative purposes, And reconstruction with expanders, I still continue to take Tamoxifen.

I am truly greatful to God first of all ( he is amazing and awesome) He gives the doctors the wisdom they need to help us through these trials.

I hope all these stories will encourage other women, to Stay Strong, You can get thru this too...

(pictured above after treatment)

Tampa, FL