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Thirty years coming up!

In 1981 I was diagnosed with breast cancer . We had moved the year before and I had neglected medical checkups so when the cancer was found it was half the size of my breast. I was told i had a 10% chance of recovery,but I decided to do everything I could to help myself.Following a modified radical mastectomy thireen months of radiation trtments followed by chemo ensued. In those days one was quite sickened by the
chemo but my wonderful husband handled the home, our young son and the constantly ringing phone. My entire church prayed for me as well as many others near and far. I swam 30 laps three times daily when the aftermaths of the chemo allowed.
I consider my recovery a miracle and have spent the years following in many Cancer related activites including serving as Reach to Recovery Volunteer.I look extremely heathy so it gives hope to those preparing for surgery, Today at 79 I work fulltime as director of a busy non-profit organization,counting my blessings every single day.
There IS life after cancer. We all need to encourage one another about this in every possible way.

Palm Coast, FL

Thank You, Jill

Jill Holland was someone I met at work. She was several years older than me, however she did not act it at all. She made many laugh and had a young heart. We had never really talked much and one day at work I was ill, went to lunch and came back feeling even worse. Jill came to my desk and asked if she could take me to the hospital, I agreed and learned I had pneumonia and a cracked rib. The years went by and we became closer. She always included me and my young daughter, Cassidy in her family gatherings, parties, everything. Her husband Randy, daughter Nicole, & son Robbie welcomed us with open arms anytime we were around. I became to know her family almost as good as my own.

Jill called me one day and asked if I could take her to the ER, cause she had a pain in her ribs. I picked her up and off we went. She had an x-ray they called us both back and were told there was a spot on her lung. Tears flowed down our cheeks where the possibility of cancer was evident. Jill scheduled an appointment with an oncologist and learned she had breast and lung cancer. Jill never gave up and went thru her treatments and did it all while still playing soccer and maintaining a full-time job. A couple years later, as I told her good-bye I realized this was where our friendship began... in a hospital bed and this was where our friendship came to end. I learned alot about life from Jill. I will never forget her. Thank you Jill.

Pendleton, IN

21+ Years and Still Going Strong

Dec '88 my mom had her first mastectomy. Shortly after came radiation and chemo. It was hard on all of us. Then the 2nd mstctmy. In all her breast cancer came back 2 more times, her right lung and then her right jaw. Today, July 20th, is her birthday and she is 70 yrs young. Now she is dealing with Lupus and fighting all the way. She has, two beautiful daughters, three wonderful grandchildren and one great-granddaughter to keep her going, and we do :-). Happy Birthday Mom!

Irma Smith
Madison, WI

21 + years and still going strong

Dec '88 my mom had her first mastectomy. Shortly after came radiation and chemo. It was hard on all of us. Then the 2nd mstctmy. In all her breast cancer came back 2 more times, her right lung and then her right jaw. Today, July 20th, is her birthday and she is 70 yrs young. Now she is dealing with Lupus and fighting all the way. She has, two beautiful daughters, three wonderful grandchildren and one great-granddaughter to keep her going, and we do :-). Happy Birthday Mom!

Irma Smith
Madison, WI

21 + years and still going strong

Dec '88 my mom had her first mastectomy. Shortly after came radiation and chemo. It was hard on all of us. Then the 2nd mstctmy. In all her breast cancer came back 2 more times, her right lung and then her right jaw. Today, July 20th, is her birthday and she is 70 yrs young. Now she is dealing with Lupus and fighting all the way. She has, two beautiful daughters, three wonderful grandchildren and one great-granddaughter to keep her going, and we do :-). Happy Birthday Mom!

Irma Smith
Madison, WI

Beth, Mom, Aunt Jan and Me

Beth, Mom, Aunt Jan and Me

Beth was my best friend and my sister-in-law. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 1997 at age 28. She found a lump while pregnant, but they did nothing until Jessica was born. Four children and a brain injury, my brother killed himself over the stress of everything. Beth died almost a year later, but my story does not end there. Three month before Beth died, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, at age 32, with 5 children of my own. Determined not to die or even let Beth know I had it, I found a pea size lump in September, 1980. When they removed it on the 29th it was the size of a golf ball. The tests said it was very aggressive. I am still not sure why I am still alive, but I could not see God taking me away from my children and a loving, faithful husband who had been through so much already. More surgery, Chemo, a positive attitude and almost 20 years later, I am still here. I have had great reconstruction! (I still need to find a great tattoo artist – just for ME!)
Aunt Jan died a few years later, and then my Mom. Friends have also gone through Breast Cancer after me, and many have stated that watching me with a positive attitude gave them strength.
I am thankful that God gave me the ability to assist Beth and her family when they needed me, taught me to be loving throughout this horrible ordeal, and helped me to be a better person because of Breast Cancer. I am always willing to help a friend, or a friend of a friend, near or far, when called upon, with a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen with and a pot of soup.

Burlington, WI

Beth, Mom, Aunt Jan and Me

Beth, Mom, Aunt Jan and Me

Beth was my best friend and my sister-in-law. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 1997 at age 28. She found a lump while pregnant, but they did nothing until Jessica was born. Four children and a brain injury, my brother killed himself over the stress of everything. Beth died almost a year later, but my story does not end there. Three month before Beth died, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, at age 32, with 5 children of my own. Determined not to die or even let Beth know I had it, I found a pea size lump in September, 1980. When they removed it on the 29th it was the size of a golf ball. The tests said it was very aggressive. I am still not sure why I am still alive, but I could not see God taking me away from my children and a loving, faithful husband who had been through so much already. More surgery, Chemo, a positive attitude and almost 20 years later, I am still here. I have had great reconstruction! (I still need to find a great tattoo artist -- just for ME!)
Aunt Jan died a few years later, and then my Mom. Friends have also gone through Breast Cancer after me, and many have stated that watching me with a positive attitude gave them strength.
I am thankful that God gave me the ability to assist Beth and her family when they needed me, taught me to be loving throughout this horrible ordeal, and helped me to be a better person because of Breast Cancer. I am always willing to help a friend, or a friend of a friend, near or far, when called upon, with a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen with and a pot of soup.

Shirley Cerka
Burlington, WI

Faith and Hope

At age 33, i was performing a self examination and found a lump in my left breast. I was frightened and told my mother of what i had found and due to NO family history we taught it was nothing. I finally called my doctor and what we taught was nothing turned out to be Invasive Ductual carsidoma (Breast Cancer). I was a single Mom of (3) young boys and was scared of "What if". One night as i was laying on my couch after my second operation with my oldest (who at the time was 7). He asked if he could ask me a question; I told him of course, he asked me if I had cancer, and that for me to promise him i would NOT die. I made that promise that night and my brother's and sister's and my whole family and friends. I would not let cancer beat me! I went thru Chemo and Radiation and my family was there to hold my hand every step of the way. I had many side effects and lost my hair but i kept faith in that i would get thru the treatments and be okay. I believed in my heart that i would get better not only for me but for everyone that cancer effects. I am a (4) year survivor and have no regrets of what life has taught me. I know appreciate the small things in life for when you are batteling to win the fight against cancer, you rely on HOPE! I also give credit to my wonderful FAMILY that pushed me even when i taught i couldn't anymore they NEVER let me give up.

Dawn Van Bramer
Astoria, NY

My 96 year-old Mother

My 96 year-old mother is a two-time breast cancer survivor. Her first
mastectomy was nearly 57 years ago, when she was 39 years old. The
second was ten years ago. In addition, 42 years ago she had a malignant
tumor removed from a fallopian tube.

Mother lives alone in a two-story house. She climbs the stairway, cooks
and does everything that younger people are expected to do. Her driver's
license expired this May, on her 96th birthday. However, in January she
had an automobile accident in which no one was injured. She decided it
was time for her to stop driving.

Mother is an inspiration to everyone around her. Her positive attitude toward life is what I believe keeps her going so amazingly well in spite of
many losses and having outlived her husband, nearly all her friends, several siblings and a 21 year-old grandson. We are so very fortunate to have her!

Beverly Hills, CA

Mom the Queen

11 years ago my mom(Carol Ware) was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She went through various surgeries and radiation. I was blessed to be able to be her nurse through it all. Mom never was negative throughout this ordeal. She had the outlook of I will beat this and thank the Lord above she did. She has started a Queen of Pink pageant & festival. The money raised at these events go to a local Breast Cancer patient in the area. Depending on how much money is raised at these events determines the funds distributed each month to patents who have applied for help. I thank God everyday for my mother and what she is doing for others.
her daughter,
Kelly Ware Fosson

Kelly Fosson
Lake Charles, LA