Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Dream cat

Dream cat

A cat was in my dreams saying she was coming, a Tabby girl.
2 months later she walked into my kitchen, about 9 months old, no chip, no one claimed her. Named her Miz Kitty after the saloon keeper in Gunsmoke. She would talk to me in my dreams on occasion. My sweet companion for over 12 years.

Susanna liberty

I Saved Him and He Saved Me Right Back!

I Saved Him and He Saved Me Right Back!

Feeling low and lonely after being diagnosed with breast cancer last year, I kept debating about rescuing a dog. I kept going back and forth as I wasn't sure I would have the time or energy I would need to care for a dog. My kids, boss and friends kept pushing me to do it. After several attempts at putting in applications but not really following up on them, I finally applied for a puppy who had been rescued from Texas and was being fostered as he had heart worm and would not be available for 4 months. I was told to put my name on the list as others would get on the list as well. Still thinking I may not go through with it -- I found out I was number one on the list and that I had saved this dog from a kill shelter. There was no turning back. Fast forward, I have my Poncho -- who is an amazing, loving companion. He has brought so much joy and love into my live. At first he was very afraid -- now he is my Velcro Dog! Also, I have been cancer-free for over a year now and have lots of love and energy for my best friend.

Karen A. Kessler

All Patched Up

All Patched Up

Patches was a friendly street cat who hung out on a neighboring road. One night he was found injured, apparently having been side-swiped by a vehicle and beat up by another cat. A local resident found him and took him to the vet, where he learned that Patch had a fractured pelvis. The vet gave instructions to keep him crated so he could heal. Andy followed the instructions but was mystified as to how this sweet cat (a neutered male) came to be abandoned and living on the streets. I had recently lost my beloved feline companion Lazarus after some 18+ years, and Andy suggested that I might want to adopt Patchy once he was well. Though I had not yet met Patch, I had a hunch this could work out well. Eventually I got the opportunity to foster Patches for a few days while Andy was out-of-town. That was all it took for me, and sealed the deal. Patches is in ship-shape and has been with me for five years now. He accompanies me while we do our morning chores and routines, much to the amazement of others. ("No, he is not a dog".) We plan our schedules to accommodate each other, and he is my best friend.

Suzanne Smith

Big Fluffy kitty

Big Fluffy kitty

I had lost my previous cat to Cancer after 11 years. I decided that i wanted to adopt another cat. I headed to the animal shelter in Reading, PA to find my new fur baby. After spending several minutes looking at other cats, the attendant asked me if I liked big fluffy kitties. I told her yes, and she showed me a big fluff ball in a cat carrier. It turns out that she was an owner surrender the same time I was coming in to look for a new cat. They said I couldn't adopt her that night, but if I wanted to, I could come back the next day and meet her and if I loved her, I could take her home with me. I came back the next day and met her. They put us in a special room where I could play with her and pet her. I fell in love with her and took her home that night. She has been with me for almost 6 years, and I couldn't imagine being without her!

Todd Forry

Kitten crying in the snow

Kitten crying in the snow

I left my house one night and spotted a small kitten running in snow. She was crying, cold and scared. I knew I was not leaving until I caught her. Every time I got closer, she crawled further under a car. Luckily a little girl asked why I was on the ground. When this girl spoke, it distracted the kitten. I was able to crawl under the car and grab her quickly. 10 yrs later she is happy, loved and fattened up.

Lisa Duncan

Baby Mama

Baby Mama

Our Mama chose our back patio to have her litter of kittens. We usually have a shelter and food out for the neighborhood strays, and she picked us. She had her litter and decided to move them into the sewers about 10 days later. Then came the rains. She tried to get us to follow her and we tried. She ran so fast through the weeds we didn't know which way she went. We had to chalked it up to the strong shall live. After a couple of months she had another litter on our back patio. We were able to capture her and the kittens and let them use our garage as a home until they were old enough to adopt out. We decided to get Mama fixed and after the kittens were adopted we let her back outside. She chose to come in once in a while and them more and more regularly. About a year later she had been gone for about 3 days. We called for her and left food and water out. We looked in the shelter constantly, hoping that she'd turn up. On the 3rd day, she turned up in the shelter, cowering in the corner. I turned to my husband and said, "honey, she's hurt!" So, I pulled her out of the shelter and brought her inside. She had a nasty scratch under her left eye and a slash down her nose and mouth. We brought her inside and cleaned her up. We let her stay inside and had to go to work. I made a vet appointment for her later in the day. We had to force feed her watered-down food and water for about 2 days. Then she'd come out to eat a little a drink a little on her own. She slept for almost 2 weeks straight! After that she trusts us completely. She has learned how to play and loves to play chase with her sisters. We called her Mama because that is what she was and it stuck.

Susan Eck



My forever two dogs died months apart. The first had a longer than expected life of 18 years - black lab. The second was my bulldog of 9 years. She developed a cancer of her heart that bled and she passed shortly after. I had a huge emptiness in my heart, like I lost 2 of my babies. I went to the shelter one day to look and met my Brewster. He was put in the shelter due to his high energy and his previous home could not handle him. Our eyes met and the connection was made. He has been in his forever home for 3 years now.

Jon Gorman

How to save a Cookie Monster

How to save a Cookie Monster

Our Cookie Monster was found in Odessa, Texas by my niece and her husband in early November 2018. They couldn't help her much, but did give her shelter outside in a kind of "dog house" and gave her food and water. When she posted pictures of her, I just knew we had to save her. So we met them halfway from Lubbock, Texas where we live on November 9th. The poor girl was so stinky and in need of a bath, but those were the least of her worries and ours. What teeth she had left were so rotten they were black, and who knows how long she had been on her own and her being such a tiny thing. We got her to our vets as fast as possible and she is now toothless and her little tongue hangs out of mouth most of the time, she is up to date on her shots and has had a few baths too. She is round about 8-9 years old and is now a happy, comfy girl. She eats just fine and has really come out of her shell. Yup, Cookie Monster is a keeper and a silly dachshund, a breed we have come to love. She also loves her Daddy very much; I am mostly chopped liver!

Sue Lankford

We're coming in !

We're coming in !

All my Kitty's are rescue baby's ! Sitting on my deck with friends four kept showing up for food. There was a hole in my screen door and all of a sudden Smarty pants climbed in followed by his siblings. They decided it was a great home to be in. All are fixed and spoiled !!

Genevieve Henderson

She Stole His Heart

She Stole His Heart

We already had two wonderful kitties, and my partner was adamant that two was enough. We were at PetSmart buying cat food when there was an adoption event going on. A beautiful Calibby (half calico, half tabby) caught my eye. I picked her up and she immediately started purring and snuggling. I called Dave over just to see her, and handed her over. He's usually uncomfortable holding a cat, but this one managed to make herself right at home in his arms. She looked up at him and as their eyes met it was love at first sight. Next thing you know we're bringing her home. Now named Cleo-cat-tra, she's HIS cat! She climbs on his chest at night making biscuits. She comes when he calls her. And she continues to give him that look of love from day one. When we lost our 19 year old cat last year, Cleo helped to ease our pain.

Helen Pantuso