My eldest sister Pat is one of the most selfless, loving, and kindest people I know. She retired after 35 years of teaching, anticipating that my aging parents would soon need help. My mother is 90 with Alzheimer’s. Pat was helping my dad care for her at home; he passed away 3 years ago. Wanting to have my mom finish her days in the house she grew up in, Pat arranged things so that she could.

It is a tribute to her that my mom is still living a happy life. My brother and other sisters take their turns also, but Pat is the primary caregiver. Her husband is so caring and wonderful, also!

A week for Pat and Shirley: Pat at the house, bathing, feeding; getting mom ready to go to Day Care. My mom loves day care. She interacts with others, laughs, smiles, makes crafts; takes field trips! After day care she is dropped back off at home, where my brother takes over for the night.
Knitting class day. My mother used to crochet the most beautiful afghans. Her hands were always going. I cherish them. She cannot crochet any more, but, enjoys the class all the same. Thursday is Day Care again.

Fridays Pat brings Shirley for prayer service and music at a local church; then for lunch. Pat brings her to hear the Singing Policeman, the Irish Jiggers. I thank God every day for Pat, and how well she cares for my mom.

My mom’s Alzheimer’s is such that she can still function pretty well. She doesn’t remember her fun days. We try to enjoy our time with her as much as we can.

Pat tells me stories of how sometimes she is amazed at the things Shirley will come up with. Like listening to music in the car, Shirley said, “Where is that girl that was singing last week? I like her music!” Or all of a sudden giving her directions back to the house.

Thank you, Pat, for being such a patient and loving caretaker. I am proud and honored to be your sister!

b.a. roger
Pawtucket, RI